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Affiliate Disclosure

Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. It costs you nothing, but I might get a small commission if you buy items using those affiliate links. Affiliate revenue is what keeps this site going. Thanks for your support.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

What is an Affiliate?

An affiliate is someone who is accepted by a business or company into an affiliate program. That affiliate then sends potential customers to the business to make purchases.

If the customer chooses to make a purchase, the affiliate is given a small commission by the business for the sale. This activity doesn’t raise product prices. The customer doesn’t have to pay extra, or higher, costs.

Some types of affiliate programs pay affiliates just for sending customers to a business even if the customers don’t make any purchases. It’s similar to a finder’s fee.

What are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are created by a business that has an affiliate program. These links contain an affiliate ID(affiliate identification) so the business knows who to reward if a customer makes a purchase.

Affiliate links only track the sale and the affiliate ID, they don’t track the internet movements of people who click them. In other words, people who click affiliate links aren’t spied upon.

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